About Me

Stuff you don't need to know about me but your voyeuristic ways have led you to this page:

  • I'm turning 22 in April 2012
  • I've been a bit chubby my whole life
  • I exercise pretty regularly, and did before this blog was made
  • I'm 5ft 5in and a little bit
  • I sit on my ass all day in an office job and my activity consists of walking to the kitchen to make coffee or walking down the main business district in teetering high heels late for meetings
  • I go bright cherry red every time I exercise no matter how hard or easy I go. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me "are you okay??" after I've worked out...
  • I get lots of ideas but never know where to start with them. This blog is a way for me to keep thinking of "how" to make my ideas reality and I'll be keeping it updated with some of those plans
  • I've never worn a bikini! Bring on summer 2012! This comes down to a body confidence thing, really. 
  • However, I'm all for girls feeling completely happy in their bodies at all ages, shapes and sizes. I think it's so sad that in this day and age where we have so much freedom to do what we want, there are still boys and girls, men and women feeling restricted because of the way they look. This is particularly sad when they're healthy and fit. The mind plays funny games, sometimes.